Monday, July 21, 2008

Where is time going?????

Yet another weekend has come and gone, where are they going? The major problem I have with that is that it will be time to go back to work soon. This alarms me because I will have to leave Teagan in daycare yuk. I am sure he will do just fine, it is his crazy mom I am worried about.
The weekend was low key the height of excitement was a trip to walmart for groceries, there should be a law on that much fun. I will be excited for this week to end because Evan is out of town at a meeting all week. I know I will survive but at the risk of lack of sleep I am sure. The good news no cooking, the bad news missing Evan terribly.I do get to drive finally this week so that should help with the sanity. I wanted to add new pics but I can't find the camera, I think Evan took it with him. Guess I will catch up on housekeeping and baby books.

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