Monday, July 7, 2008

We are starting to settle in as a family of four, boy how things change. The house is a wreck, we are exhausted and Langdon I think is just bored. Overall Langdon has done very well with the transition or shall I call it slight dethroning. He has been very tender and sweet to Teagan but definitly had his share of mini meltdowns I call them. Every little problem is the end of the world for some reason followed by lots of whining. Bless his heart I feel sad for him because he already had such a problem with change. Things are getting better I think he will pick back up soon to the usual silly Langdon.
Nighttime is tough especially if you breastfeed because it is a one person job with a very exhausted mother. I know that will get better if memory serves. We sure are enjoying Teagan he is so laid back and sleepy at least during the day. He rarely makes a sound unless you try and dress him, he absolutely hates to be cold. We look so forward to the future it is going to be so special and full of memories.

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