Sunday, June 28, 2009

Teagans First Birthday

Hard to believe it is here, Teagan turns 1 on tuesday.This past saturday we celebrated with a small party of our closest friends. We had homemade pizza and homemade cake and it was a lot of fun. Although I predicted big things from Teagan in the cake eating department it only consisted of eating the icing and dumping the cake over on his tray yawnnnnn.. Oh well it was still fun to see and not even that big of a mess. I think he really enjoyed all the company and received some neat gifts, although of course as usual Langdon thinks that everything is for him. It is going to be so much fun watching him grow and learn as we embark on the next phase of his life. Our next big step should be walking. Stay tuned

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Like a Moth to a Flame

The title should say enough, Teags is into everything and wayyyyyy more adventurous than Langdon ever was. He is always messing with the nightlights, any drawer he can reach and the dishwasher is the worst. Apparantly standing by it pulling stuff out is no longer good enough we now have to get in there, and lick every fork and spoon before we throw it to the ground. Of course Langdon is in the background providing musical inspiration for the event.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Langdon started a Moms dayout/starter preschool this week and he had a blast. We are so excited for him he really enjoyed it. He goes one day a week and we feel like this is a good start for him to get adjusted to a more structured environment with learning and curriculum. Teags and I took advantage of the time by doing housework and meeting Evan for lunch. We are planning a small party for Teagans birthday and I cannot believe it has been a whole year already.He has been through so many transitions in a quick year, I feel so blessed that he is so happy and adjusted. Enjoy the pics they are simply Langdon in his precious sillyness and Teags exploration through the house.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Over the last month we like everyone else have been very busy. We have been in the new house for just over a month and we love it. The cars are in the garage, stuff is put away, most pics on the wall and already a crawfish party under our belt. You know how Evan likes to roll. We love being in Arkansas and if I could just find a job that would be great. I do enjoy being home with the boys but I would love to balance both for many reasons. Langdon starts a Moms day out/preschool for the summer next week and he doesn't know it but I know he will love it. Teags is approaching his first birthday in less than a month and is so busy growing and getting into all kinds of trouble. He loves to say DADA and every once in awhile says something like Mama although I don't think in proper context. The pics are just highlights from the month enjoy.