Monday, September 29, 2008

3 months already?????

Hard to believe that Teagan is 3months old on the 30th. It boggles the mind that time can go that fast. He is growing so big and is in clothes that Langdon wore at 4 months old. I must be doing something right. I am happy to report that Teagan is a sleeper he has slept through the night for a whole week. I don't know if it will last but I will cling to it as long as I can. It is amazing to me how different he and Langdon are when he was that age. I guess it is true every child is different. I think the next big phase of our life will be an attempt at potty training Langdon. We are going to try it out this weekend so I can gauge if he is truly ready or not. Thankfully he is not one of those kids that is constantly pulling off all clothes and running around naked but on the flip side it would be nice instead of trying to teach a child how to dress and undress. I of course have done much research on many methods of potty training so hopefully I will be successful at teaching Langdon in a way that will not be traumatizing to his character. Boy aren't you glad you tuned in to this blog, it is exciting show stopping stuff.

We had a great weekend, and actually had a babysitter for Saturday night so that Evan and I could attend a shrimp boil. It was a ton of fun and Langdon had a blast with the sitter, so I was really excited to get some couple time with Evan since it was his Birthday. I hope that Hillary will be able to sit for us again soon, it was really good for everyone. Here are some pics of the growing boys. Enjoy

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Exciting weekend with Grandpa

You can tell there is a change in the air here. Football is in full effect, nascar is heating up and the Ryder cup in golf this past weekend was chock full of excitement. I know this because Langdon wasn't happy unless one of the three was on TV. If golf is on he is busy putting around the living room with a ball and some sort of tool for a putter. If nascar is on he of course has all his cars ready. Football is no different there is a small football ready at all times to be thrown around the living room . Oh to be two and half and be that cute. He truly is a blast to watch. Teagan is growing bigger everyday and is really starting to coo and babble a lot, it is awesome. I am happy to also report that he slept through the night the last 2 nights from 10:30 to 6:30. I don't think it will last but I will enjoy it while it does..

Evans dad came to visit it us for a few days and it was so pleasant. The weather was wonderful the company was great and Langdon absolutely loved having his grandpa around. Grandpa couldn't even leave the room without Langdon asking where he was. It was so cute to see. Grandpa got to witness what we think is an excellent tee ball player in the making along with tons of outside fun. It was a great weekend and we look forward to another visit soon..

Monday, September 15, 2008

The house divided the weekend etc.......

The second week of work was much better I have to say. Maybe I am finally getting the hang of this stuff. I am getting closer and closer to actually showing up on time Yessssss. The boys seem to be adjusting to it all and Langdon as usual is a big help. That sure makes life easier. We spent saturday painting a bathroom and at first it was an easy task but by the end of the day I was over it and Teagan was less than accommadating on the whole painting thing. How dare a 2 month old revolt. Thankfully it did get done and when it was over it was game time.

One day a year Evan and I are against odds and that is when Auburn plays Mississippi State in football. My family for those of you who may not know are Auburn and Evan is pretty die hard Miss. State. So It can be interesting. Langdon has his Miss. State gear and thankfully I have a very small Auburn shirt so Teagan sided with me. After a very poor showing from both teams Teagan and I were victorious.

Evan is out of town this week so hopefully we will have a good week despite being without him. He gets home on Wednesday and is bringing Grandpa with him so we look forward to that.

Monday, September 8, 2008

So last week I started back to work and the first day back was tuesday. I was a good day, I was a little teary on the drive to work but I got through it. Teagan had a good day, but I don't think he would know any different anyway. I think Langdon enjoyed having him there with him. Thursday was pretty stressful but the day went fast. I think I will have to get some pointers from others about how to successfully get out of the house on time with all the stuff I have to bring along with 2 kids. I feel so blessed that Langdon loves to go bye bye so he is always busting out the door ready.

I worked a little on Saturday and Evan had the boys so I think enjoyed spending extra time and Langdon provided great comic relief for him along with college football. Sunday was Nascar race day in Richmond and Evan was able to score tickets so he went with some neighbor friends. Langdon and I stayed home with Teagan and caught the end of the race on TV. Anyone who knows Langdon should know that he loves his Matchbox cars and plays with them everyday. So he was very excited when our favorite driver won the race and it was all he could talk about all day. These truely our hilarious days in our lives I will include some pics for you to enjoy

Monday, September 1, 2008

Teagans smiles and Langdon at work

Just to change things up I decided to show yet another picture of Teagan and his smile while he sits yet again on the boppy. I know the scenery may be getting old, but he likes to sit there and gaze around. Langdon is still fighting allergies but not enough to keep him from earning his keep. He has the utensil holder from the dishwasher because he likes to unload silverware and put it where he thinks it goes.. He is such a good helper around the house and loves to be involved in any household chores. Langdon started back at the little gym this week and was so happy to see miss Sarah. It didn't take him long to get reaquainted with the uneven bars and the balance beam he truly loves going to play. Teagan is on a new adjusted schedule to get ready for daycare and life in general. You people know how I love a schedule to follow. He is doing well and will hopefully begin sleeping longer at night soon. I will keep you updated on how the week goes on being back to work and daycare. Enjoy the pics