Wednesday, April 22, 2009

More fun at the park

The boys really enjoy the park and love to swing. Langdon thinks it is awesome to run wild at the park and play on the mini golf course. The boys have been sharing a room in the townhouse and they love to wake up and talk to each other, it is so cute to see. Sometimes when I go in there Langdon asks what are you doing in here, like leave us alone we are busy. I hope they enjoy it. We plan to put them together in the new house so we can have a designated playroom, so far it works pretty well but sometimes one does wake the other too early or too soon from naptime. Enjoy the pics.

Almost Done and Almost Time

We are right at one week away from closing Thank God. I am so excited and ready to be in the house. Although of course it will be overwhelming for a short while it will be so wonderful to finally get settled and feel like Arkansas is home. They are doing the final touches with everything and the fence goes up this week and unfortunately they moved the key so we weren't able to go in. Evan did go by this week to speak with the builder so he was able to see the latest progress.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

We had such a fun jam packed Easter weekend. We were invited to an Easter Egg hunt on saturday morning, and though a little slow and apprehensive at first Langdon really enjoyed himself. He loved hunting for the eggs and was so excited to see what was inside. He did not let his bucket out of sight for one minute. He napped with and everything. Later it was home for a nap then we spent the evening at some friends house for dinner and another egg hunt. It was so great to spend time with everyone. Easter morning Langdon was so excited to find the basket the Easter bunny left and the eggs. The Easter bunny brought Langdon a new Nascar to add to his collection and some Matchbox cars he uses as spectators. No basket would be complete without Kyle Busch M&Ms he just loves them. We spent the rest of the day with great friends and Langdon loves to play with their kids. It was a very busy and exciting weekend so we are taking today to recover.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Eggcellent Idea

Since I am not working right now I decided it would be a good time to start doing some projects with Langdon. Teagan is getting older and starting to move around so I think it is important to get back to spending more one on one time with each of the boys. Langdon and I took on the task of dying eggs for Easter. It was so much fun and of course he was apprehensive at first but once he saw what it was about he was fired up. He just wanted to keep putting them back in the dye a hundred times. Langdon was so excited to show Evan when he got home from work and spent the rest of the night worried about where his eggs were. I hope that this Easter he really has a good time but most importantly gets the real reason we celebrate.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fun day at the park

We are adjusting and enjoying the move to Arkansas. There is a park not far from the townhouse we are staying in so the boys have really enjoyed playing there. Well Teagan mainly just likes the swings. There is also a miniature golf course at the park Langdon loves to play on. Teagan really loves to be around Langdon and try to play with his toys but sharing is definitly not a virtue Langdon has completely grasped .