Over the last week we had our house inspection for the new buyers and then had the necessary repairs made for them, and next up is the appraiser comes tomorrow. After all that is done we are headed to Long Beach for Mardi Gras definitly Evans favorite day of the year. We are so excited to see family and friends and Langdon will celebrate the second part of his birthday with a space walk and a cake. It should be so fun, he absolutely loves to jump in those things. Langdon also gets to go to the parade for the first time, that should be interesting.
Teagan and I spent Tuesday afternoon in the doctors office for an ear infection in the right ear, but after some drops and tylenol is doing much better. I feel very fortunate that he has been very healthy only a few small colds and this ear infection. He is so happy and growing so fast, we hope he gets to crawling soon. It looks as though we are officially leaving the commonwealth of virginia around March 19 yeah. We will get everyone updated when we can. Enjoy the pics of our sweet cape crusader and happy feet.